*Summon crows and rats to help you defeat the demonic presence in a mysterious dungeon!*


**WASD** - Movement

**Space** - Jump

**Mouse** - "Aim", press to designate summoning spot & release to launch the selected creature towards cursor

**Q** - Change between crows & rats as the summoned creature

**R** - Restart the game after death

#### Remember that you can maximize the game window - no need to play in the tiny embedded view unless you want to!

#### Known issues:

* Game cursor/aiming target is jittery and the OS cursor sometimes appears. Doesn't seem to be an issue in full screen.

* Collision detection can be a bit wonky, especially when trying to run towards a wall (or when enemies run towards cliffs)

### Credits:

Did everything alone during the weekend, my second Ludum Dare

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